Tuesday, September 17, 2024

"YOU ARE FIRED!" A Handbook on Dismissal

by Deborah Thomas-Felix (Author) 

This legal textbook covers several areas of Labour Law, Employment Law and Industrial Relations. It discusses topics such as Dismissal (firing ,the termination of employment) the importance of work, workplace related issues,the right to be heard , among other things.

Work is the primary engine for the creation, distribution and utilisation of the economic resources within a state or a nation. Its multifaceted contributions to economic growth, income generation, resource allocation and social well-being, underscore its central importance in shaping the economic and social fabric of society. The effect of a dismissal can also be the cause of strained relationships between employees and employers, particularly if the dismissal is perceived to be unjust or unfair. 

In addition, poorly managed dismissals can damage trust, morale and the organisational culture, which can lead to negative consequences for productivity and employee engagement. Moreover, dismissals raise issues related to employment rights, including the legality and fairness of the dismissal process. In many jurisdictions, workers have legal protection against dismissals which may be termed “unfair dismissals”, “wrongful dismissals” or “harsh and oppressive”. 

These protections include legal requirements for due process, fairness, just cause, compensation, reinstatement and/ or re-appointment. Dismissals do not only impact individuals, but can impact Labour market dynamics by influencing factors such as the unemployment rate, labour supply and demand and job turnover. In fact, mass retrenchment or layoffs due to corporate downsizing for example, can have ripple effects on industries and economies.

548 pages

Paperback, Hardcover, Kindle

Available on Amazon

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