Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Criminal Bench Book For Barbados, Belize and Guyana

Criminal justice is essential for peace, stability, and sustainable economic and societal development. Criminal justice systems that function fairly, efficiently, effectively, and expeditiously are integral to public trust and confidence in the administration of justice, and to institutional legitimacy. 

The constitutional values and standards of the protection of the law, due process, and a fair hearing, taken in the context of rule of law obligations that apply to the Judiciary, demand that all of these performance standards are consistently met for the benefit of all court users. There are also ethical standards that apply to the discharge of the judicial function, such as equality, competence, diligence, and promptitude, and which impose institutional and individual duties and responsibilities for which judicial officers and Judiciaries are accountable.
This criminal bench book has been completed in fourteen months, from conception to publication. Substantively, it can contribute to judicial officers meeting both the qualitative and quantitative standards that they are constitutionally and ethically compelled to uphold. Institutionally, it is an invaluable resource for the three states that it is designed for, as well as for all Caribbean jurisdictions with similar laws and practices. Indeed, this bench book improves access to justice for a wide range of persons, because it can also be easily used by attorneys and citizens as a baseline guide for legal principles and procedural best practices.
The process adopted, and as described below, has sought to make sure that each jurisdiction, through its appointed judicial officers and court librarians, has had the full responsibility for their jurisdictional content and accuracy of materials. This inclusive, collaborative, and iterative process intends to ensure that nuances that are unique to each state are covered, and as well to reap the benefits in a single publication of comparative content.

Published by The Caribbean Association of Judicial Officers (CAJO)
ISBN Hardcover: 978-976-97063-0-9
ISBN E-Book: 978-976-97063-1-6
588 pages

This publication is available electronically at the CAJO’s Reports and Publications webpage

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